alan8376 Maj Gen
Number of posts : 765 Age : 76 Localisation : Norfolk, UK Cap Badge : REME Places Served : Carlisle AAS, Aden, Hildesheim, Bordon, Fallingbostel, Dover, NI Tours, Osnabruck, Herford, Muenster, UN Nicosia, SBA Dhekellia Cyprus x2, Waterbeach, Civi Street 1988. Retired from VOSA 2007. Registration date : 2009-07-28
| Subject: Re: King Alfred School.Plon. 5/11/2020, 09:42 | |
| I enjoyed watching the long video of KING ALFRED SCHOOL (KAS) PLOEN.
An interesting time for schooling in BAOR given that some families arrived as early as 1945.
I wonder if the Army manpower helped set the school up? I can't imagine the Staff or students putting together intially, about 300 beds,lockers and desks etc.
Alan | |
Pborn4 Brig
Number of posts : 691 Localisation : Between Hannover and Herford, off all main routes Cap Badge : Not even a reservist now - have been Pborn3 Places Served : Oswestry 1965, Paderborn to 1971, NE Dist, Munsterlager from 1974, Sennelager (1976 to 2012) Registration date : 2016-12-16
| Subject: Re: King Alfred School.Plon. 2/4/2024, 16:13 | |
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