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 St Vincents Hospital Antwerp 1960s

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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2010-10-07

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PostSubject: St Vincents Hospital Antwerp 1960s   St Vincents Hospital Antwerp 1960s Icon_minitime7/10/2010, 15:03


my wife is the daughter of a staff sergeant 15 ABOD (Rear) RAOC who was stationed in Antwerp in 1966. She was born in St Vincents Hospital, Antwerp in that year. The place of registration is given as Stats & Records Centre HQ BAOR Germany. I cant find any record of an actual hospital in Antwerp of that name.
She is currently trying to trace her mother who remained in France - the birth cert gives mothers name but no other details. We have no contact with father but are trying to get further info re mother - a DOB would be real progress. Given the timescale, does anyone know if there will be any records still available that might offer more detailed info? And where might be a good place to start?
Appreciate its a long shot but has to be worth a try.

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Number of posts : 26
Age : 68
Cap Badge : Royal Signals
Places Served : Harrogate, Munster
Registration date : 2012-12-25

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PostSubject: Re: St Vincents Hospital Antwerp 1960s   St Vincents Hospital Antwerp 1960s Icon_minitime23/4/2013, 18:44


Just googled it and it's still there. It's called the "St Vincentius" ziekenhuis (hospital)

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St Vincents Hospital Antwerp 1960s
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