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 RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten.

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5 posters

Number of posts : 4
Age : 84
Cap Badge : Royal Air Force
Places Served : Cosford, Biggin Hill, Uxbridge, RAF Germany, Compton Bassett, Gaydon, Malta,Upavon.
Registration date : 2011-01-16

RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Empty
PostSubject: RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten.   RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Icon_minitime16/1/2011, 23:45

Shocked Surprisingly no mention of the Radio Relay Stations which were a joint enterprise between the RAF Signals (Ground Radio) and Royal Signals. I served at all three radio sites whilst attached to RAF Goch between 1960 & 1961. I was one of the last Service personnel to be shipped from Harwich to the Hook of Holland & then onward into Germany by troop train. By late 61, early 62 UK forces were airlifted to & from RAF Wildenrath as I remember with Silver Citys Airways operating the first services.
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Let Gen
Let Gen

Number of posts : 1119
Age : 83
Localisation : Berkshire
Cap Badge : REME
Places Served : Rotenburg Ploen Lippstadt Hamm Wetter Minden Munster Bielefeldt Dusseldorf
Registration date : 2008-11-09

RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten.   RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Icon_minitime18/1/2011, 14:49


Welcome and thanks for your contribution you have added two more RAF units/locations to the master data. If you go to the Home Page then in Locations then RAF Stations you will find the existing list including role

Presumably Goch was linked to Laarbruch but where exactly was Uedem?
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Lt Col
Lt Col

Number of posts : 330
Age : 85
Localisation : Northumberland
Cap Badge : REME
Places Served : Rotenburg, Verden, Liebenau, Hohne, Hamm, Duisburg, Minden, Hannover, Fallingbostal, Kuwait, UK, HK, USA/Can.
Registration date : 2008-02-27

RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten.   RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Icon_minitime18/1/2011, 16:59

Uedem is about mid way between Goch and Xanten. Hope this helps.
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Number of posts : 4
Age : 84
Cap Badge : Royal Air Force
Places Served : Cosford, Biggin Hill, Uxbridge, RAF Germany, Compton Bassett, Gaydon, Malta,Upavon.
Registration date : 2011-01-16

RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten.   RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Icon_minitime18/1/2011, 18:07

Uedem was part of the radio relay network which stretched throughout West Germany and into Holland and Belgium. My posting was to 2nd Allied Tactical Airforce, and my base was Goch, although that being said a slightly confusing situation arose when on arrival at RAF Munchen Gladbach, having completed arrival formalities, within a week I had to complete clearance procedure and proceed independently to Goch which became my home base.
There was a difference between 2TAF personnel and 2ATAF but I was deemed too unimportant to have an explanation!

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Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2017-11-04

RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten.   RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Icon_minitime4/11/2017, 19:14

My Father was Sqn Ldr E.A. Barrett.
He was Senior officer at Goch from 1960 to about 1963.
It was a signals / multi nationality station. He had Germans, Belgians, English, Dutch and I think, Canadians working for him there.
As a teenager we often went to Laarbruch, swimming in an open air heated pool. Quite a novelty.
My fathers commanding officer was a Dutch guy who lived in a large house on top of a hill.
He was posted from there to Munchen Gladbach / Rhindhalen.
Apologies for any spelling mistakes.
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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2023-04-24

RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten.   RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Icon_minitime24/4/2023, 23:54

My father was Wg Cdr C P Waddell, he was O/C Uedem from 1958 to 1961. He took my brother and I down the 'hole' as it was known.
We had a quarter on the base in Goch, Keppelner Strasse. Our neighbour was a Belgian Major.
Can't remember going to Laarbruch for a swim but did have one in Munchen Gladbach. There was no functional link between Goch and Laarbruch.
We went to a party, I was 15, at the 'house on the hill' mentioned by busybiz, it was the quarter of an Air Commodore and as you might expect was large! Englishman at that time. We were in a Group Captain quarter, very nice.
Dad had an RAF VW Beetle as 'company car'. I still have a couple of Jerry cans that he used to carry cheap BAOR petrol on our holiday trips to Italy.
We went to boarding school in the UK, flying out to Dusseldorf by BEA 3 times a year. Apart from the time we came back to the UK on a troop train and then the troop ship to Harwich mentioned by Histryman above. A pretty dire trip still etched in my memory.
Dad went on to RAF Leconfield and then to commission and command the new Marconi radar at RAF Bukit Gombah in Singapore.
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RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten.   RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten. Icon_minitime

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RAF Goch, Uedem & Xanten.
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