Posted on behalf of John Walker. Len (Ciphers)
Photo 2 = is of me in 1947 Bielefeld .This was my father's Austin Tilly. Every week it used to go round the camps picking up forces mail.
That would be if I remember Herford, Paderborn, Osnabruck .Sometimes my father used to go with the diver if there was a special pick up.
On this occasion the driver was not too well so Dad decided to drive himself and came and picked me up. Wow a day out in a Army Vehicle.
This photo was taken on the way back to Ripon Barracks at a farm up on the top wooded area. This is where the driver used to stop put up the bonnet (to look like there was a problem !!)
Then go in and get a load of fresh eggs & veg I think . I kid you not. I think coffee was the exchange or cigarettes !!
Photo 3 = was taken at a friend of mine in the Newbury area who services and renovates military veh's.
I was there as I had at the time a USA jeep and lightweight Land-Rover and was taking the jeep over a few jobs that needed doing and saw this Austin there !!!!
I asked Steve the owner of the company how long the Austin was going to be there and was told at least another week. So remembering my old times in this type of Austin I go home dig out this other photo just to get things right. Bonnet up & my hand on the headlamp.
So when I go over to pick up my jeep a few days later I photo the Austin, well Steve took it for me.
I think it turned out well and I made sure the owner of the Austin got a copy and a DRINK.
Photo here also of my 1943 USA Jeep & 1989 Lightweight Land-Rover taken here at my home in Oxford. Since then I sold them both. But have other things tucked away !!
Regards to all looking in.