I run a website dedicated to those who served at HQ RAF(G) Rheindahlen,between 1959 and 1965. The site was started in 2003 by my late wife, who had served in the WRAF, and is essentially a large photo gallery. There are many photo's on the site that could be of interest to those who were stationed at HQ BAOR as many of the facilities were shared.
On this website, in 'Locations'-MoenchenGladbach-JHQ; the first photo, dated 1953, is of JHQ under construction. Both my late wife and I had long been searching for information on it's design and construction etc, so I wonder if anyone could direct me to the donor of the photo with a view to obtaining a copy for my website. Also, any literature or sources, official or otherwise,from whom/which I might obtain details of the history JHQ? I believe the design/constuction was supervised by a Major in the Royal Engineers (Clerk of Works).
Barry Fletcher.