Loopinlou, there are quite a few ex-Greys on Facebook, most post on the Scots DG pages (there are about 3 or 4 on the go at the moment). The Regt is currently in Fallingbostel but they are in the process of leaving and will soon be taking up residence at the former RAF base at Leuchars in Fife. I'll mention your dad's name to a couple of the ex-Greys who I am in contact with and see if they have any photos of your Dad. The Regimental museum at Edinburgh Castle may be able to help you, have you considered contacting them? I wouldn't worry about his popularity either, as you'll find that quite a few people had to do a stint as Provo Sgt, whether they wanted to or not. I'll get back to you as and when I find something or somebody better placed who can help you.