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 History of the Garrison and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts)

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2 posters

Number of posts : 691
Localisation : Between Hannover and Herford, off all main routes
Cap Badge : Not even a reservist now - have been Pborn3
Places Served : Oswestry 1965, Paderborn to 1971, NE Dist, Munsterlager from 1974, Sennelager (1976 to 2012)
Registration date : 2016-12-16

History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Empty
PostSubject: History of the Garrison and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts)   History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Icon_minitime27/10/2017, 19:29

>> Under another heading under General-Non BAOR:
Cartav wrote :  I seem to recall a project was in hand to put together something
as a record of BAOR.......must be a year or two back since I sent off one or two
pics which seemed to be worthy of inclusion in any erudite tome....... Did it ever
go to print, or was it scorned by publishers ? <<

HQ BAOR and the White House still existed then - the tasked civil servant went when the org dissolved.

Since then two plans -
1)  somewhere in Normandy Barracks Sennelager is a "Legacy Historian" reputedly (or allegedly) a former SLO who had been responsible for the closure of Haig Barracks Hohne, and tasked to gather the remnants of knowledge (I shall enquire for his details)
2)  Paderborn Stadt have designs on the real-estate about to be released, AND have delved in to the History of the British in Westfalen to produce an Exhibition (Ausstellung) in the Am Abdinghof Council Buildings in the town (from memory the parking there is iffy at best), recording the impacts and interactions between the  population and the military:

Link here:

anyone considering devlopping a project / purchase of  barracks:
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Number of posts : 691
Localisation : Between Hannover and Herford, off all main routes
Cap Badge : Not even a reservist now - have been Pborn3
Places Served : Oswestry 1965, Paderborn to 1971, NE Dist, Munsterlager from 1974, Sennelager (1976 to 2012)
Registration date : 2016-12-16

History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: History of the Garrison and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts)   History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Icon_minitime29/10/2017, 21:26

here is more:

Legacy Officer is Hugh Pierson
While stories and photographs are welcome to be sent electronically, submissions and memorabilia can also be sent through the post to:

Legacy and Projects Officer, HQ BFG, Catterick Barracks, BFPO 40.


To submit your stories visit: or visit the BFGnet Facebook page.
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Number of posts : 691
Localisation : Between Hannover and Herford, off all main routes
Cap Badge : Not even a reservist now - have been Pborn3
Places Served : Oswestry 1965, Paderborn to 1971, NE Dist, Munsterlager from 1974, Sennelager (1976 to 2012)
Registration date : 2016-12-16

History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: History of the Garrison and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts)   History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Icon_minitime13/5/2018, 00:00

Unfortunately many photo links to addresses no longer produce the promised photos - the newspaper has closed down.

The very successful "Brits in Westfalen" exhibition in Paderborn has closed but Dr. Bettina Blum works on through University Paderborn:

"Dear friends and supporters of the exhibition: "The British in Westphalia",

I hope this finds you well.

As my contract with the City of Paderborn expired at the end of the exhibition, I'm now working for the Department of Contemporary History in the University of Paderborn. We are planning a follow-up project on the subject covering "The British in Westphalia/Germany". My previous email adress no longer functions, so please send all replies to my this email address (

If you have any questions concerning the return of loaned objects, please contact Mareike Schwirtz ( and Christoph Gockel-Böhner (

There will probably be a new, smaller exhibition next year, so I am starting collecting objects for display anew. Please let me know if you know of anything that might be of interest. I will inform you as soon as I know more.

As we are continuing work on the project, I would very much like to invite you to two Anglo-German events that will be taking place in June 2018:

On Saturday, 23 June we are planning an Anglo-German history project in Church House, Lübbecke. The original buildings were set out during the Third Reich as a national socialist education centre. After the war the main building was used as a British officers mess and then it came to be Church House. It is a very pleasant location with an interesting history. It is generally open for members of the British Forces and their families for welfare seminars, but it will open on this day for all interested parties, both British and German, who would like to explore the Anglo-German history of the region. We offer the possibility to share memories and experiences in continuation of the discussions started during the "The British in Westphalia" exhibition. We therefore ask all attendees to bring photos, documents or other mementos. We intend to produce a booklet for all participants - and some of the objects may well be used as part of further exhibitions or other similar projects. The languages spoken on the day will be German and English. Help will be provided for everyone who doesn't speak both languages. The day is being organised by Lindsay McCran (41 AEC), Padre Heather Rendell, Sarah Korsikowski (exhibition team) and myself. The cost for the whole day including meals will be €10.- and, as places for participants are limited, prior formal registration will be necessary.

On Friday, 29 June, a military "Freedom of Paderborn" parade will be held in Paderborn. I currently have no further details concerning the time-frame. The event will start at Maspernplatz and end in the evening with a "Zapfenstreich - Beating Retreat". I hope that we will be able to arrange a meeting point for all who are part of the project and who are interested, but this is something we will have to try and organize.

It would be a great pleasure to see you again, providing you can make the time and join one or both of the events. Please drop me short note, if you would like to take part and I will provide you with more details as soon as I receive them.

And I'm very sorry, I'm not sure if I have all the email addresses, so please feel free to pass the email on to others who took an interest in the project.

Thanks and best wishes,

Bettina "
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Number of posts : 691
Localisation : Between Hannover and Herford, off all main routes
Cap Badge : Not even a reservist now - have been Pborn3
Places Served : Oswestry 1965, Paderborn to 1971, NE Dist, Munsterlager from 1974, Sennelager (1976 to 2012)
Registration date : 2016-12-16

History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: History of the Garrison and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts)   History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Icon_minitime8/7/2019, 16:50

Next presentation, at the triangular castle at Wewelsburg near Paderborn or Büren:
Commences 21 Jul 19

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Number of posts : 691
Localisation : Between Hannover and Herford, off all main routes
Cap Badge : Not even a reservist now - have been Pborn3
Places Served : Oswestry 1965, Paderborn to 1971, NE Dist, Munsterlager from 1974, Sennelager (1976 to 2012)
Registration date : 2016-12-16

History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: History of the Garrison and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts)   History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Icon_minitime15/7/2023, 16:06

Five years after the intense activity that surrounded the exhibitions and studies of The British in Westfalen
(a Book is in production - courtesy of Dr. Bettina Blum of Pb Uni) - it may jog some memories of veterans
of BAOR to watch the BBC Film (introduced to the site by Steve Wright in Nov 2011):

​​ from 2011 !
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Number of posts : 691
Localisation : Between Hannover and Herford, off all main routes
Cap Badge : Not even a reservist now - have been Pborn3
Places Served : Oswestry 1965, Paderborn to 1971, NE Dist, Munsterlager from 1974, Sennelager (1976 to 2012)
Registration date : 2016-12-16

History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: History of the Garrison and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts)   History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Icon_minitime15/7/2023, 16:09

Five years after the intense activity that surrounded the exhibitions and studies of The British in Westfalen
(a Book is in production - courtesy of Dr. Bettina Blum of Pb Uni) - it may jog some memories of veterans
of BAOR to watch the BBC Film (introduced to the site by Steve Wright in Nov 2011):

​​ from 2011 !
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Number of posts : 691
Localisation : Between Hannover and Herford, off all main routes
Cap Badge : Not even a reservist now - have been Pborn3
Places Served : Oswestry 1965, Paderborn to 1971, NE Dist, Munsterlager from 1974, Sennelager (1976 to 2012)
Registration date : 2016-12-16

History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Empty
PostSubject: A Very British NRW   History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Icon_minitime22/8/2024, 02:53

The Brits are back, they are based in Westfalen centred on Sennelager - but there is a great deal of history behind the presence:

The attached link is to a recent TV film (in German with sporadic English voices) describing some interesting facets of a "Very British Westfalen":
Sennelager Training Area, Harriers, historic RASS, Joe Cocker  (shortly before the Pope's Visit! - though he doesn't get a mention)
plug for NAAFI, BFBS, Athlone Barracks and a FIBUA scenario

All credits, rights and attributes  to WDR  Bielefeld (the link is valid for one year).


many friends have already remarked to me  (in the light of this reminder) how much they miss the Sennelager RASS, Fish and Chips, Pimms and all the fun of the fair.

steve and OP_Ultra like this post

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Number of posts : 123
Places Served : Catterick, Sennelager, Belfast, Chichester, Berlin, Minden, Londonderry, Lisburn, Sennelager, Catterick, Armagh, Lisburn, Chichester, Catterick. Kabul, Catterick, Bielefeld.
Registration date : 2009-11-23

History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Empty
PostSubject: Re: History of the Garrison and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts)   History of the Garrison  and Brits in Westfalen (Impacts) Icon_minitime25/8/2024, 15:51

Interesting video. I think that we all miss the place. Some great memories.

alan8376 likes this post

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