Number of posts : 2 Registration date : 2024-08-21
Subject: Long shot Hildesheim 1964 21/8/2024, 16:56
This is a long shot. My father was based in Hildesheim in the late 60's Raymond Burroughs ( Reme ) he was a staff sergeant. I was born in Berlin in 1964 and then we moved to Hildesheim after that we lived in Germany until I was 7 when my dad was posted back to the UK. ( middle wallop near Andover ) I remember we lived near a large park with a statue of a German soldier at the top of a hill. My parents used to take me sledging in this park during the winter. I'm going to be 60 this year I'm planning on going back to Germany to find out more about where I spent the first 7 years of my life. Can anyone point me in the right direction about the army in barracks and area. Like I said this is a long shot.
Thanks in advance ( its not a lot to work with I know )
alan8376 likes this post
Pborn4 Brig
Number of posts : 691 Localisation : Between Hannover and Herford, off all main routes Cap Badge : Not even a reservist now - have been Pborn3 Places Served : Oswestry 1965, Paderborn to 1971, NE Dist, Munsterlager from 1974, Sennelager (1976 to 2012) Registration date : 2016-12-16
Subject: Early Origins - first 7 years 21/8/2024, 20:18
Choice of soldiers on hills:
Wonder if he was REME attached to an army aircraft workshop (AAC) (Hildesheim > Detmold > Middle Wallop!)
OP_Ultra likes this post
alan8376 Maj Gen
Number of posts : 765 Age : 76 Localisation : Norfolk, UK Cap Badge : REME Places Served : Carlisle AAS, Aden, Hildesheim, Bordon, Fallingbostel, Dover, NI Tours, Osnabruck, Herford, Muenster, UN Nicosia, SBA Dhekellia Cyprus x2, Waterbeach, Civi Street 1988. Retired from VOSA 2007. Registration date : 2009-07-28
Subject: Re: Long shot Hildesheim 1964 21/8/2024, 21:08
I have lots of photos of my time in Tofrek Barracks, Hildesheim.
I need better system to send photo by. 'Messenger ' is best method.
PS Yes, I knew your dad from Reme Stores where Ray worked as Sgt/Staff Sergeant.
Kevin1964 Private
Number of posts : 2 Registration date : 2024-08-21
Subject: Re: Long shot Hildesheim 1964 22/8/2024, 04:49
Thank you Alan I have replied to your email also
I work nights so if I don’t respond I will be in touch
alan8376 likes this post
wook1967 Private
Number of posts : 3 Localisation : Herford Munster Registration date : 2024-09-18
Subject: Re: Long shot Hildesheim 1964 18/9/2024, 17:57
Hi Alan The statue you are referring to is the Galgenberg denkmal
Last edited by wook1967 on 18/9/2024, 18:04; edited 1 time in total
wook1967 Private
Number of posts : 3 Localisation : Herford Munster Registration date : 2024-09-18
Subject: Re: Long shot Hildesheim 1964 18/9/2024, 17:58
wook1967 Private
Number of posts : 3 Localisation : Herford Munster Registration date : 2024-09-18
Subject: Re: Long shot Hildesheim 1964 18/9/2024, 18:03
My father was based in Hildesheim from 55 to 58 married a German girl my mother ! and her father lived in Hildesheim so we spent a lot of time there and my brother recalls sitting on the head of this statue dangling his feet down.
alan8376 likes this post
Number of posts : 48 Localisation : Melksham, Wiltshire Cap Badge : REME Places Served : AAS Arborfield, 5 Inf Wksps then 14 Regt. RA Dortmund, 1 Inf Wksps Aden, 22 Sigs Lippstadt, REBCS then 65CSS RE Hameln, Borden, 15/19 H then 9/12 Lancers Tidworth, 4 ADSR, Herford, QoH then 4/7 DGuards Detmold. Registration date : 2019-03-28
Subject: Re: Long shot Hildesheim 1964 18/9/2024, 18:14
I am ex REME and I do recall an AQMS called Ray Burroughs. He wasn't in my unit(s) but the name is familiar. I met him somewhere. I'll make every effort to remember and get back if I can.