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Webmaster Phil
Webmaster Phil

Number of posts : 92
Age : 44
Localisation : Fallingbostel
Cap Badge : REME
Places Served : Fallingbostel, Bielefeld
Registration date : 2007-03-08

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PostSubject: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime10/4/2008, 16:45

Can anyone add to the units that have been stationed in Fally. Dates and the barracks they were on would be appreciated.
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Number of posts : 168
Age : 66
Localisation : Gloucestershire
Cap Badge : RTR
Places Served : Fallingbostel, Tidworth, Paderborn, Cyprus, Bovington, Hemer, NI, Coltishall, Incirlik, Benson
Registration date : 2007-03-10

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime12/4/2008, 11:04

Administrator wrote:
Can anyone add to the units that have been stationed in Fally. Dates and the barracks they were on would be appreciated.

Mate contact Pup and ISTR a thread over on the ARRSE site that covered this topic! Very Happy
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Webmaster Phil
Webmaster Phil

Number of posts : 92
Age : 44
Localisation : Fallingbostel
Cap Badge : REME
Places Served : Fallingbostel, Bielefeld
Registration date : 2007-03-08

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Fallingbostelchestershire   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime12/4/2008, 11:23

Hello there kind Sir,
I got quite a bit from the arrse site, but after the third page it starts to digress somewhat. I'll go and see Pup the next time I'm in Fally. I like to have a call in, as his museum never fails to amaze me.

Last edited by Administrator on 30/6/2008, 07:48; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 76
Localisation : Near Belfast. N. I.
Cap Badge : Greys, 16/5th lancers
Places Served : Chepstow, Catterick, Fallingbostel, Omagh, Tidworth, Wolfenbuttel
Registration date : 2008-06-21

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime22/6/2008, 00:04

Lumsden Barracks

16/5th Lancers took over from 3RTR in late 1967 and 16/5th were relieved by 3RTR Oct 1971. So my memory tells me.

3 RTR are credited I see with being in St Barbara barracks 71-76 surely wrong. Also I thought that 3RTR had gone to Tidworth from Fally in 67.

20 Heavy were still in Fally in St Barbara bks in 1969 when Scots Greys left and if I also remember correctly still there in 71 when I was there a few months from june 71-OCt 71 having gone to the 16/5th on the Greys amalgamation with the Carbs.

Scots Greys were surely in Wessex barracks from 63-69. I went there in mid 1965.

Info any use for amending details.
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Maj Gen
Maj Gen

Number of posts : 817
Age : 72
Localisation : Limavady, N.I.
Cap Badge : R.E.M.E.
Places Served : Arborfield (Basic training), S.E.M.E. Bordon (Trade training), Barnard Castle, Hemer, Belfast (Emergency Tour), Londonderry, Munster, Brunei, Hong Kong
Registration date : 2008-04-06

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime22/6/2008, 00:45

scarletman wrote:
Lumsden Barracks

16/5th Lancers took over from 3RTR in late 1967 and 16/5th were relieved by 3RTR Oct 1971. So my memory tells me.

3 RTR are credited I see with being in St Barbara barracks 71-76 surely wrong. Also I thought that 3RTR had gone to Tidworth from Fally in 67.

20 Heavy were still in Fally in St Barbara bks in 1969 when Scots Greys left and if I also remember correctly still there in 71 when I was there a few months from june 71-OCt 71 having gone to the 16/5th on the Greys amalgamation with the Carbs.

Scots Greys were surely in Wessex barracks from 63-69. I went there in mid 1965.

Info any use for amending details.

Embarassed scarletman,

Sent you a PM and you had already posted!!

The main site is reliant on those who have served being able to confirm or correct details that have been posted.

The webmaster was kind enough to grant me edit permission, so if you have any details that lead to the need for amendments, please let us have them. Or you can contact the webmaster direct.

"3 RTR are credited I see with being in St Barbara barracks 71-76" is taken from your post - are you sure you meant St Barbara Barracks?

Please look here:-

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Number of posts : 12
Age : 76
Localisation : Near Belfast. N. I.
Cap Badge : Greys, 16/5th lancers
Places Served : Chepstow, Catterick, Fallingbostel, Omagh, Tidworth, Wolfenbuttel
Registration date : 2008-06-21

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime22/6/2008, 10:09

Sorry my lexidisicus and memory got my recent memory of what I just had read wrong. 16/5th are creditied with the stay in St Barbara barracks. But The 20 Heavy were still there as far as I know.16/5th went in Oct 71 to Lisanelly Barracks Omagh taking over from 17/21st Lancers.

Some dates and places for sure have been remembered a little bit wrongly.

Of course it might be that I am having false memories but I think not.

I do remember the 3 RTR leaving and being replaced by the lancers late in 67 cos I had just married a girl whos dad was with the RTR. The lancers came in and stayed from 67-sep oct 71 going to Omagh. This was in Lumsden. I do not know how long the RTR did stay in Lumsden but it was always remarked upon that it was a serious army punishment for some reasons well broadcast at the time but the veracity of that can hardly be checked unless from someone who had read very top level documents.

Looking deeper into the lengths of stay I notice that it shows the Greys have entrenched themselves in Wessex Barracks if correct. Some units seem to have spent very short periods of time here.

I can appreciate that the numbers so far involved here are too thinly spread.

My problem is that I had not yet learned how to have a few pages from the site open to cross refer.

I hope I have been able to update this info more accurately.

Sorry for that mistake re RTR.

I was never in St Barbara barracks that often to take any notice but I do not remember any of the blocks being any different to the rest of the garrison. I dont remember the multi story blocks as shown in the photgraph. Using Google did not who much of difference.

I am writing another post on another topic in a moment.

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Maj Gen
Maj Gen

Number of posts : 817
Age : 72
Localisation : Limavady, N.I.
Cap Badge : R.E.M.E.
Places Served : Arborfield (Basic training), S.E.M.E. Bordon (Trade training), Barnard Castle, Hemer, Belfast (Emergency Tour), Londonderry, Munster, Brunei, Hong Kong
Registration date : 2008-04-06

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: RTR tours in BAOR   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime22/6/2008, 11:29


If you take a look here:-,M1

The footnotes at the bottom of pages 26 and 27 mightexplain why Armoured units spent so long in BAOR.

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Number of posts : 168
Age : 66
Localisation : Gloucestershire
Cap Badge : RTR
Places Served : Fallingbostel, Tidworth, Paderborn, Cyprus, Bovington, Hemer, NI, Coltishall, Incirlik, Benson
Registration date : 2007-03-10

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime22/6/2008, 17:21

scarletman wrote:
I do remember the 3 RTR leaving and being replaced by the lancers late in 67 cos I had just married a girl whos dad was with the RTR. The lancers came in and stayed from 67-sep oct 71 going to Omagh. This was in Lumsden. I do not know how long the RTR did stay in Lumsden but it was always remarked upon that it was a serious army punishment for some reasons well broadcast at the time but the veracity of that can hardly be checked unless from someone who had read very top level documents.

I was never in St Barbara barracks that often to take any notice but I do not remember any of the blocks being any different to the rest of the garrison. I dont remember the multi story blocks as shown in the photgraph. Using Google did not who much of difference.

In 67 3RTR moved back to UK and ended up in Tidworth, they then moved to 'Woofers' in 69, taking over from 5RTR who were then disbanded. In 71 they moved back to 'Falling-bar-Stool' and left there in the summer of 76 after handing over to 4/7. 3RTR then moved back to Tidworth - can you see a pattern forming here? Mad In 92 2 & 3RTR amalgamated and the new 2RTR were to stay there until Jun 07! Shocked And guess where they moved to? Yes FCUKING Tidworth! Evil or Very Mad So your theory about it being a punishment posting is probably true..................only joking - loved the place! Razz Who was your wife's father then? I'll probably know him!
The blocks in St. Barbara's are slightly different! In that the centre facade is flat where as in Lumsden and Wessex they're pointed, HTH.
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 76
Localisation : Near Belfast. N. I.
Cap Badge : Greys, 16/5th lancers
Places Served : Chepstow, Catterick, Fallingbostel, Omagh, Tidworth, Wolfenbuttel
Registration date : 2008-06-21

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime22/6/2008, 19:27

The story was that they made such a mess of Lumsden that hey were returned to clean it up but then that would mean the lancers had not done any tidying.

My now deceased and would have been EX father in law was a popular cook named Dave Forrest. He was an och aye the noo lander and was coaxed out of the army while the RTR were in Tidworth. Mind you he must surely have done his full time.

I cannot say that any of the postings were unpleasant and if soldiering was really the game then it matters little where. I would however subscribe to the old saying that 'when youre marching your not fighting' which should be all soldiers underlying hope. If its a life outside of a barrack environment that is the main desire then I can see that some places might not be so great.

I only wish I had been adventurous then as I would be now and become the long stay visiting tourist. I had a better life in Wolfenbuttle due to easily formed freindships with our civilian driving section. Medical Center. Also the cachment area for the medical team was quite large and allowed for much travelling.

I did not think Tidworth was punishment but was glad it was a very short term posting. An interlude of the Cyprus emergency in hindsight was welcome although I was assuring everyone the place would turn back before we got to the island. After the first few days though which were somewhat cliffhanger like I settled in to the daily routine of getting an all over tan. Glad to have been with a unit that did not expect peopleto do things for the sake of getting them to do things.

If Fallingbostel was viewed that way andif the listings are accurate then of course the old Greys have been getting the short stick.

While discussing Fallingbostel. My first bedroom was in what we called B Sqn. Othe units may well have put their troops in a different layout.It woudl have been the second block on the right looking down on the camp from the end of Queens Parade. My view of that shows what seems like a demolished building. All else appears as I remember it although I cannot place what we used as a NAFFI at that time.

It is also noticeable that the HOLY grounds of my days have changed and have many little markings suggesting that National Car Parks could make a bit of a killing.

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Lt Col
Lt Col

Number of posts : 314
Cap Badge : RAOC
Places Served : Bicester-Soltau-Canada-Kineton-Paderborn-Osnabruck (Inc Gulf 1) Donnington-Civy Strasse.
Registration date : 2008-10-22

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime24/10/2008, 15:47

I spent seven days in detention in Fally with those nice chaps from 2 Coldstreams in 1980. Sadly we didn’t have our own nick at Bournemouth Barracks in Soltau, imagine, a guard room without cells! Disgraceful but there you go. On arrival at 2 Coldstreams guardroom the Provo staff came out to say hello, which I thought was all very cordial until they started to beast me and my escort all over the place! One of the Provo Cpls took a particular interest in me and I rather wish he hadn’t. He was about 7ft 6ins and had absolutely no sense of humour, and boy did he like the sound of his own voice, at about 100 decibels!
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Number of posts : 4
Age : 91
Localisation : Australia
Cap Badge : 7TH Q.O.Hussars
Places Served : BAOR
Registration date : 2009-02-18

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime22/2/2009, 00:36

I spent nearly 2 years in Lumsden barracks in the 7th Hussars 1951-1953. The 7th moved down from Luneberg in September 1951 and I think left about 1954 or a bit later, our intake was posted there in December 1951 as Nasho's.
Talking about 16/5 Lancers one of our intake from Catterick was posted to the 16/5 Lancers and served in Cyprus 1951 plus, if anyone served the same time his name was "something Buck and he came from Skipton Yorks, I remember him well because all the rest of the intake went to the 7th Hussars, which we were very lucky as there was a rumour going around we should have gone to the 12th Lancers in Malaya. cheers
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Number of posts : 81
Age : 56
Localisation : Bad Fallingbostel
Cap Badge : REME
Places Served : Bordon, Nuneaton, NI, Paderborn, Poland, Czech Republic, Sennelager, Osnabruck, Canada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Cyprus, Bad Fallingbostel.
Registration date : 2008-06-24

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime4/10/2009, 16:54

Lumsden Barracks are now the home of 3rd Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Formally the Staffords) they have just taken over from 1 RRF who have now moved to Tidworth. Flag change was July 09 if I remember correctly.
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Number of posts : 7
Localisation : Cheshire
Cap Badge : Junior leaders RAC and Royal Hussars (PWO)
Places Served : Bovingdon, Sennelager, Berlin, Catterick and Fallingbostel
Registration date : 2010-04-24

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime6/6/2010, 17:04

I was there with the Royal Hussars (PWO) in Lumsden after being in Catterick. So I think it was 1981 /1982 I left the Army in April 1983 and the Regiment were still there. They got posted to Tidworth afterwards.

I used to be a doctors driver in the medical centre so worked with other Regiments. From the mist of time there was a Guards Regiument next door and the Queens Regiment were also in Fally. Apparently there were pitched battles between those two most weekends. Being sensible we went to Hannover, Hamburgh or Keil.
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Lt Col
Lt Col

Number of posts : 383
Age : 74
Localisation : gateshead
Cap Badge : 15/19H.ARMY AIR CORPS
Places Served : tidworth, fallingbostle, detmold, hongkong, minden
Registration date : 2009-05-22

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime6/6/2010, 18:08

in 1969 the15/19H took over wessex bks fallingbostle from the RSDGs, the 15/19Hwere still there in late 71 when i was posted ere to the AAC,[ps my first army quater was in st barbaras bks quite a number of blocks had been converted,the long corridoor still had the rifle racks]
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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2010-09-20

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime20/9/2010, 19:17

I used to be a doctors driver in the medical centre so worked with other Regiments. From the mist of time there was a Guards Regiument next door and the Queens Regiment were also in Fally. Apparently there were pitched battles between those two most weekends. Being sensible we went to Hannover, Hamburgh or Keil.

i was stationed in fally a member of the 2nd bn coldstream guards the royal hussares & the 3 queens mobs were all there then & yes we had some barnstormer punch ups back then but wen the yanks came to town we all joined together for one night only happy days
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Number of posts : 2808
Age : 83
Localisation : Sandbach Cheshire
Cap Badge : RA/QOH
Places Served : JLRRA (Hereford) Nienburg Paderborn Colchester Munster Maresfield (Cyprus) Hohne Hemer Op Banner x4 Woolwich
Registration date : 2010-03-02

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime21/9/2010, 14:24

dandc wrote:
in 1969 the15/19H took over wessex bks fallingbostle from the RSDGs, the 15/19Hwere still there in late 71 when i was posted ere to the AAC,[ps my first army quater was in st barbaras bks quite a number of blocks had been converted,the long corridoor still had the rifle racks]

When did the RSDG first appear Dan ? I remember being fed and watered (lagered) by the Officers Mess staff of the poor old 3rd Carbs when they were in Cyprus in '69. I'm just wondering what year it was that the Greys swallowed them up.
(Can anyone remember the name of that camp next to Dhekelia ? I can only think of Polemidhia).
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Lt Col
Lt Col

Number of posts : 383
Age : 74
Localisation : gateshead
Cap Badge : 15/19H.ARMY AIR CORPS
Places Served : tidworth, fallingbostle, detmold, hongkong, minden
Registration date : 2009-05-22

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime21/9/2010, 17:07

as far as i can remember the big amalgamations took place in 1968,please anybody correct me if i am wrong.
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Number of posts : 238
Age : 85
Localisation : Peachland British Columbia, Canada
Cap Badge : Black Watch of Canada
Places Served : 4 CIBG Soest and Werl 1957-1965, Camp Borden, Camp Gagetown
Registration date : 2009-06-04

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime21/9/2010, 18:57

I seem to recall the amalgamation of the Carabiniers and Greys took place in 1971. They came to Canada on a tattoo tour about that time (coinciding with their extremely successful release of 'Amazing Grace').

I remember that in 1958 we were billeted with the 4/8 Queen's Royal Irish Hussars in Hohne just around the time they were getting ready for their official amalgamation ceremonies. Is my memory working right in thinking that was when a lot of British cavalry and infantry regiments found themselves united in shot gun weddings?
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Lt Col
Lt Col

Number of posts : 383
Age : 74
Localisation : gateshead
Cap Badge : 15/19H.ARMY AIR CORPS
Places Served : tidworth, fallingbostle, detmold, hongkong, minden
Registration date : 2009-05-22

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime21/9/2010, 19:26

see i should have googled it,your right amalgimation date 2nd july 1971. 1969 was the formation of the blues and royals.
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Number of posts : 2808
Age : 83
Localisation : Sandbach Cheshire
Cap Badge : RA/QOH
Places Served : JLRRA (Hereford) Nienburg Paderborn Colchester Munster Maresfield (Cyprus) Hohne Hemer Op Banner x4 Woolwich
Registration date : 2010-03-02

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime21/9/2010, 22:13

3rd & 7th Hussars became QOH around that time too.
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Number of posts : 168
Age : 66
Localisation : Gloucestershire
Cap Badge : RTR
Places Served : Fallingbostel, Tidworth, Paderborn, Cyprus, Bovington, Hemer, NI, Coltishall, Incirlik, Benson
Registration date : 2007-03-10

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime22/9/2010, 09:33

brum wrote:
(Can anyone remember the name of that camp next to Dhekelia ? I can only think of Polemidhia).

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Number of posts : 2808
Age : 83
Localisation : Sandbach Cheshire
Cap Badge : RA/QOH
Places Served : JLRRA (Hereford) Nienburg Paderborn Colchester Munster Maresfield (Cyprus) Hohne Hemer Op Banner x4 Woolwich
Registration date : 2010-03-02

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime22/9/2010, 09:41

That's the one mate, I knew it began with a "P" !
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Number of posts : 168
Age : 66
Localisation : Gloucestershire
Cap Badge : RTR
Places Served : Fallingbostel, Tidworth, Paderborn, Cyprus, Bovington, Hemer, NI, Coltishall, Incirlik, Benson
Registration date : 2007-03-10

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime23/9/2010, 09:39

brum wrote:

That's the one mate, I knew it began with a "P" !

The other one you mentioned (Polymedia) is in Limassol.
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Number of posts : 2808
Age : 83
Localisation : Sandbach Cheshire
Cap Badge : RA/QOH
Places Served : JLRRA (Hereford) Nienburg Paderborn Colchester Munster Maresfield (Cyprus) Hohne Hemer Op Banner x4 Woolwich
Registration date : 2010-03-02

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime23/9/2010, 09:49

My next question ! I think the Worcesters were in there during our '69 UN tour. Thanks.

RTR, what were you doing in Hemer ?
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Number of posts : 262
Age : 74
Localisation : Gtr Manchester
Cap Badge : R.Signals
Places Served : BAOR, UK, Mid East, Far East, Cent America
Registration date : 2009-02-21

Fallingbostel Units Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime23/9/2010, 18:11

recce83 wrote:
I seem to recall the amalgamation of the Carabiniers and Greys took place in 1971. They came to Canada on a tattoo tour about that time (coinciding with their extremely successful release of 'Amazing Grace').

I remember that in 1958 we were billeted with the 4/8 Queen's Royal Irish Hussars in Hohne just around the time they were getting ready for their official amalgamation ceremonies. Is my memory working right in thinking that was when a lot of British cavalry and infantry regiments found themselves united in shot gun weddings?

1958 was when there was a huge reduction in the Armed Forces and the Army got hit hard. Loads of amalgamations and disbandments.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallingbostel Units   Fallingbostel Units Icon_minitime

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