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 Walsrode. The ammo stores

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6 posters

Number of posts : 12
Age : 76
Localisation : Near Belfast. N. I.
Cap Badge : Greys, 16/5th lancers
Places Served : Chepstow, Catterick, Fallingbostel, Omagh, Tidworth, Wolfenbuttel
Registration date : 2008-06-21

Walsrode. The ammo stores Empty
PostSubject: Walsrode. The ammo stores   Walsrode. The ammo stores Icon_minitime22/6/2008, 10:19

I remember Walsrode as being some sort of overspill of married quarters for the Fallingbostel Garrison. Is this memory correct?

I only rememeber going once to pick up ammo I think for the Canada Cup or an ordinary shooting session.

Those were the days when you got hump all day.

I remember my seniors telling us about the location camouflage and the tales then seem to be line with what has been written in this site.

I was USING GOOGLE EARTH to FLY over the Walsrode area and feel that I did see something that looked like a hard to see camp site of some sorts. I thought that the building roofs were all turffed over so was surprised IF indeed I was in the right location as the roofs of many buildings were visble. I would have thought the camp would have been quite some distance from a populated area.

Does anyone have an exact location for this or would I have to be eliminated if I was to get that sort of information?

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Lt Col
Lt Col

Number of posts : 314
Cap Badge : RAOC
Places Served : Bicester-Soltau-Canada-Kineton-Paderborn-Osnabruck (Inc Gulf 1) Donnington-Civy Strasse.
Registration date : 2008-10-22

Walsrode. The ammo stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walsrode. The ammo stores   Walsrode. The ammo stores Icon_minitime1/3/2009, 08:20

We occasionally picked up ammo from Walsrode, can't remember where I was posted at the time...probably Soltau I think.

I have no idea about the overspill from Fally, however your post has reminded me of Google Earth which I haven't used in ages so I'm off for a spin around northern Germany...
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Lt Col
Lt Col

Number of posts : 314
Cap Badge : RAOC
Places Served : Bicester-Soltau-Canada-Kineton-Paderborn-Osnabruck (Inc Gulf 1) Donnington-Civy Strasse.
Registration date : 2008-10-22

Walsrode. The ammo stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walsrode. The ammo stores   Walsrode. The ammo stores Icon_minitime1/3/2009, 08:54

Well Walsrode was easy enough to find, but finding the site of the ammo depot is another matter.

Google Earth...what a brilliant bit of kit.
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Number of posts : 168
Age : 66
Localisation : Gloucestershire
Cap Badge : RTR
Places Served : Fallingbostel, Tidworth, Paderborn, Cyprus, Bovington, Hemer, NI, Coltishall, Incirlik, Benson
Registration date : 2007-03-10

Walsrode. The ammo stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walsrode. The ammo stores   Walsrode. The ammo stores Icon_minitime1/3/2009, 19:48

scarletman wrote:
I remember Walsrode as being some sort of overspill of married quarters for the Fallingbostel Garrison. Is this memory correct?

I only rememeber going once to pick up ammo I think for the Canada Cup or an ordinary shooting session.

Those were the days when you got hump all day.

I remember my seniors telling us about the location camouflage and the tales then seem to be line with what has been written in this site.

I was USING GOOGLE EARTH to FLY over the Walsrode area and feel that I did see something that looked like a hard to see camp site of some sorts. I thought that the building roofs were all turffed over so was surprised IF indeed I was in the right location as the roofs of many buildings were visble. I would have thought the camp would have been quite some distance from a populated area.

Does anyone have an exact location for this or would I have to be eliminated if I was to get that sort of information?


I could have sworn I'd posted this before! Oh well here it is again.........maybe!!! Very Happy

Walsrode. The ammo stores AmmoDepot
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Lt Col
Lt Col

Number of posts : 314
Cap Badge : RAOC
Places Served : Bicester-Soltau-Canada-Kineton-Paderborn-Osnabruck (Inc Gulf 1) Donnington-Civy Strasse.
Registration date : 2008-10-22

Walsrode. The ammo stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walsrode. The ammo stores   Walsrode. The ammo stores Icon_minitime1/3/2009, 20:08

Thanks for putting me in the "Rembrandt" soprano. I spent a few years at various ammo depots but only visited Walsrode once or twice in the early 1980's. Just had another look on Google Earth and having seen your pic the depot is easy to spot.
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Number of posts : 296
Age : 66
Localisation : Worksop, Notts
Cap Badge : R.E.M.E
Places Served : Fallingbostal, NI, Hohne, Fallingbostal, again.
Registration date : 2012-03-30

Walsrode. The ammo stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walsrode. The ammo stores   Walsrode. The ammo stores Icon_minitime17/4/2012, 18:51

Never got to the Ammo dump in all my years in Fally, i remember shopping in Walsrode with SWMBO, and the bird sanctuary and driving past Lay-by Lil to get there.
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LE Maj
LE Maj

Number of posts : 643
Localisation : North Yorkshire
Cap Badge : RAOC
Registration date : 2009-08-27

Walsrode. The ammo stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walsrode. The ammo stores   Walsrode. The ammo stores Icon_minitime23/4/2012, 13:20

Home to Walsrode Detachment of RAOC EOD & HQ Ammunition Inspectorate BAOR and a small ammunition sub-depot controlled by 3 BAPD and stored unit ammunition 1st Line Stocks for the area. Most of the Depot was used by the German Army who owned it.

Sua Tela Tonanti
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Number of posts : 296
Age : 66
Localisation : Worksop, Notts
Cap Badge : R.E.M.E
Places Served : Fallingbostal, NI, Hohne, Fallingbostal, again.
Registration date : 2012-03-30

Walsrode. The ammo stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walsrode. The ammo stores   Walsrode. The ammo stores Icon_minitime23/4/2012, 14:56

RAOC EOD was based there was it.
That will explain why they only took half an hour to arrive at a suspect devise on our parade square in Fally.
The devise?
A thermos flask left near a parked car.
They cleared the area, put some C4 (i assume) on it and pressed the button.
The result?
No damage to the car but cold coffee every where.
The flask had been forgotten by one of the lads just back from leave, who`d unloaded his car and gone down the YMCA.
He was a popular bloke after this due to all the extra duties he picked up as punishment, which meant we didn`t have to do them.
He certainly knew how to peel a spud after this.
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LE Maj
LE Maj

Number of posts : 643
Localisation : North Yorkshire
Cap Badge : RAOC
Registration date : 2009-08-27

Walsrode. The ammo stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walsrode. The ammo stores   Walsrode. The ammo stores Icon_minitime23/4/2012, 15:18

221 (BAOR) EOD Coy RAOC - HQ & section @ Herford with Detachments at Bracht, Walsrode & Wolfern while I CSB (5 Ord) at Sennelarger & Pombsom could raise a light detachment if needed as OC & 2i/c were SATO/ATO with AT's on Company strength.

Now 921 EOD Squadron RLC with HQ & Troop @ Bielefeld with Troops @ Fallingbostel & Bruggan

No C4 is the American term for Plastic Explosive, we used PE4 bom Well OK the same stuff - almost....

Sua Tela Tonanti

Last edited by Mike_2817 on 23/4/2012, 18:28; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 296
Age : 66
Localisation : Worksop, Notts
Cap Badge : R.E.M.E
Places Served : Fallingbostal, NI, Hohne, Fallingbostal, again.
Registration date : 2012-03-30

Walsrode. The ammo stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walsrode. The ammo stores   Walsrode. The ammo stores Icon_minitime23/4/2012, 16:11

You will have to excuse the lack of knowledge on explosives.
I was REME, we fixed things we didn`t blow them up.
I think i joined the wrong mob, it would be great to blow $h1t up.
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Maj Gen
Maj Gen

Number of posts : 978
Age : 90
Localisation : Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada V2S 7C5
Cap Badge : Royal Signals
Places Served : Catterick (1951) - BAOR (1952 -1954)-(Herford - Bunde - Munster) - Japan (Kure) - Korea (Pusan - Seoul) - Cyprus (Nicosia) - Suez Op (1st Guards Brigade) - UK (63 Sigs Regt TA, Southampton)
Registration date : 2008-06-30

Walsrode. The ammo stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walsrode. The ammo stores   Walsrode. The ammo stores Icon_minitime23/4/2012, 17:24

You could always try a balloon .. fairly safe

Len (Ciphers)
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Walsrode. The ammo stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walsrode. The ammo stores   Walsrode. The ammo stores Icon_minitime

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