Hello all,
Through the RLC-archives I managed to find the B-Card belonging to the Land Rover Ambulance with reg. plate 25-EN-59. I currently own the vehicle and try to research it's history.
Anyone on this forum who knows anything? Places where it has been stationed:
Full description of b card
1) ??-??/3-68: 34 Lt AD Regt BAOR
2) 5-68: 17 R.V.D. BAOR
3) 6-69: 627 MCTG BAOR
4) 7-71: Ordnance Depot Antwerp BAOR
5) 11-71: 17 B.V.D. BAOR
6) 3-75: 1(BR) Corps Veh Coy BAOR
7) 11-75: 1 (BR) Corps Veh Coy Recklinghausen BAOR
8 ) 12-75: Ashchurch
9) 5-76: Ordnance Depot Antwerp BAOR
10) 2-77: VR Pool Mönchengladbach BAOR
11) 8-77: Ordnance Depot Antwerp BAOR
12) 8-78: s/o DSD Hamm BAOR
Looking forward to any hints and suggestions and thanks in advance!
(Images of in service Land Rover Ambulances ith BAOR welcome!)
Best regards, Landsy