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 Sennelager NAAFI

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graham wright
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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2010-04-22

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime22/4/2010, 06:53

Could anyone tell me please when the NAAFI in Sennelager moved from Schloss Neuhaus to its current location.

I am sure it was 1980 but my mate Fat Bob reckons it was 1983ish.

There is a five pence piece on the outcome.

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Maj Gen
Maj Gen

Number of posts : 765
Age : 76
Localisation : Norfolk, UK
Cap Badge : REME
Places Served : Carlisle AAS, Aden, Hildesheim, Bordon, Fallingbostel, Dover, NI Tours, Osnabruck, Herford, Muenster, UN Nicosia, SBA Dhekellia Cyprus x2, Waterbeach, Civi Street 1988. Retired from VOSA 2007.
Registration date : 2009-07-28

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime22/4/2010, 09:24

Whilst we are on the subject of the NAAFI in the Sennelager area.

Does anyone remember the incident of the baby being snatched from a pram outside the NAAFI and if ever the baby found?
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Number of posts : 100
Localisation : Kent, UK
Cap Badge : RAMC
Places Served : Sennelager, Mil Wing MPH, Ditton, Hohne, Sennelager(again), Newcastle and Rheindahlen
Registration date : 2010-02-12

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime22/4/2010, 10:06

Hi Alan,
Katrice Lee was the child in question. I was there - so to speak. I was shopping at the time. She has never been found, see below. Also, just google 'missing in schloss neuhaus' for further information:
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Lt Col
Lt Col

Number of posts : 383
Age : 74
Localisation : gateshead
Cap Badge : 15/19H.ARMY AIR CORPS
Places Served : tidworth, fallingbostle, detmold, hongkong, minden
Registration date : 2009-05-22

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime22/4/2010, 15:21

i remember the sad affair very well,her father ritchie and i were both in the same regt[15/19H],ritchie is now retired and living in heartlepool[ne england].
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graham wright

Number of posts : 114
Age : 69
Localisation : liverpool
Cap Badge : naafi and efi/raoc
Places Served : baor, sardinia, saudi, benbecula and colly
Registration date : 2009-02-08

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime22/4/2010, 15:23

remember very vividly when little katrice went missing,i was in soest at the time .terrible what that poor family went through.graham.
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Number of posts : 156
Age : 95
Cap Badge : 1st The Royal Dragoons - The Blues and Royals (RHG/D)
Places Served : UK,BOAR,Egypt
Registration date : 2008-04-04

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime22/4/2010, 16:05

We saw a programme on TV not long ago,the case is still under investigation,a terrible time for the family.It is reckoned she was snatched by a childless woman,they even showed what she probably looks like today.The case is brought up regularly in press and TV.
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Number of posts : 79
Age : 64
Localisation : Leicester
Cap Badge : REME
Places Served : Tidworth, Sennelarger, Werl, Munsterlager, Catterick, Paderborn, Ripon, Detmold, Marchwood.
Registration date : 2009-02-05

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime23/4/2010, 14:54

alan8376 wrote:
Whilst we are on the subject of the NAAFI in the Sennelager area.

Does anyone remember the incident of the baby being snatched from a pram outside the NAAFI and if ever the baby found?

I was serving in Sennelager at the same time. I was with the Scots DG LAD in Athlone. The family are from Fareham in Hampshire and being a Pompey lad i was keen to do all i could to help.

Soldiers from all over Sennelager gathered and went canvassing around the German estates posting leaflets to try and get some clue as to what had happened.

By the way, the Naffi moved from Schloss Neuhaus some time after 1983 as i was posted to Werl in late 83 and the Naffi was still there when i left.
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Number of posts : 123
Places Served : Catterick, Sennelager, Belfast, Chichester, Berlin, Minden, Londonderry, Lisburn, Sennelager, Catterick, Armagh, Lisburn, Chichester, Catterick. Kabul, Catterick, Bielefeld.
Registration date : 2009-11-23

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime1/5/2010, 19:48

Which Sqn were you with Nobby? I was originally in D Sqn but via a few other places, ended up in A Sqn in 83.
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LE Maj
LE Maj

Number of posts : 643
Localisation : North Yorkshire
Cap Badge : RAOC
Registration date : 2009-08-27

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime2/5/2010, 00:07

Katrice disappeared from the NAAFI shopping complex at Schloss Neuhaus on 28 November 1981 so it was still there then!

Where did it move to?

The MSO Barracks were almost next door.
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Number of posts : 148
Registration date : 2008-07-09

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime2/5/2010, 01:02

Hi all,

My only memory from 19551-1952 of a NAAFI type canteen at Sennelager was a fairly modern building.

What was the lcoation? and did it later become part of the shopping complex?

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Number of posts : 123
Places Served : Catterick, Sennelager, Belfast, Chichester, Berlin, Minden, Londonderry, Lisburn, Sennelager, Catterick, Armagh, Lisburn, Chichester, Catterick. Kabul, Catterick, Bielefeld.
Registration date : 2009-11-23

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime2/5/2010, 13:03

Mike, if you travel to the end of the Sennelager Strip (Bielefelder Strasse), past Normandy Bks and in the direction of Hoevelhof, turn left at the main traffic lights and head in the direction of Sande (over the level crossing), take the 2nd or third left and the first right, you're there. You can find it on Google Earth and Google Maps.

The old Schloss Neuhaus NAAFI, the MSO Bks and the stables have all been levelled. There's a large ornamental garden and a civic type building where they used to stand.
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LE Maj
LE Maj

Number of posts : 643
Localisation : North Yorkshire
Cap Badge : RAOC
Registration date : 2009-08-27

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime2/5/2010, 16:10

Yep, know where you mean as I lived in Lhaircamp Str on those very Traffic Lights.
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Number of posts : 123
Places Served : Catterick, Sennelager, Belfast, Chichester, Berlin, Minden, Londonderry, Lisburn, Sennelager, Catterick, Armagh, Lisburn, Chichester, Catterick. Kabul, Catterick, Bielefeld.
Registration date : 2009-11-23

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime2/5/2010, 19:58

There was a very handy off licence on that junction...and a cracking bratty shop opposite next to the old Sparkasse bank. Landed on your feet there then!
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LE Maj
LE Maj

Number of posts : 643
Localisation : North Yorkshire
Cap Badge : RAOC
Registration date : 2009-08-27

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime2/5/2010, 20:32

No Bratty Shop when I was there Rocky, but a very good snelly further up. I used to work at Depot 90, and the raileay siding/platforms behind the strip a lot, and the misses was a Nursing Sister at the MRS, so we were well placed all round! Apart from the church bells opposite..
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Number of posts : 79
Age : 64
Localisation : Leicester
Cap Badge : REME
Places Served : Tidworth, Sennelarger, Werl, Munsterlager, Catterick, Paderborn, Ripon, Detmold, Marchwood.
Registration date : 2009-02-05

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime2/5/2010, 22:32

Rocky wrote:
Which Sqn were you with Nobby? I was originally in D Sqn but via a few other places, ended up in A Sqn in 83.

Hi Rocky. I was originally in B Sqn fitter section. Then moved into the Ece section, then Lt 'A' as the electrician working with the Target Tanks. Ron Olds was the civilain mechanic. Got some pics of me with the Target Tanks and Crew in Athlone before i left to go to the Black Watch in Werl.
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Number of posts : 123
Places Served : Catterick, Sennelager, Belfast, Chichester, Berlin, Minden, Londonderry, Lisburn, Sennelager, Catterick, Armagh, Lisburn, Chichester, Catterick. Kabul, Catterick, Bielefeld.
Registration date : 2009-11-23

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime3/5/2010, 08:27

We might be talking about the same snelly Mike, I'm probably just a couple of hundred metres out! It's been a few years now.

Nobby, was Alex Fulton on the target tanks when you had that photo taken?

Also, you may remember a small incident on the square when Piggy Hogg (SSM D Sqn) was taking the D Sqn parade and one of the B Sqn fitters accidentally reversed his car into Piggy. Piggy had his back to the car so couldn't see it coming but we were all facing it and said bugger all! He went mental! One of the funniest things I saw in my entire time. Trying to keep a straight face watching it all unfold before you was difficult.
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Number of posts : 79
Age : 64
Localisation : Leicester
Cap Badge : REME
Places Served : Tidworth, Sennelarger, Werl, Munsterlager, Catterick, Paderborn, Ripon, Detmold, Marchwood.
Registration date : 2009-02-05

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime4/5/2010, 12:05

Rocky wrote:
We might be talking about the same snelly Mike, I'm probably just a couple of hundred metres out! It's been a few years now.

Nobby, was Alex Fulton on the target tanks when you had that photo taken?

Also, you may remember a small incident on the square when Piggy Hogg (SSM D Sqn) was taking the D Sqn parade and one of the B Sqn fitters accidentally reversed his car into Piggy. Piggy had his back to the car so couldn't see it coming but we were all facing it and said bugger all! He went mental! One of the funniest things I saw in my entire time. Trying to keep a straight face watching it all unfold before you was difficult.

Hi Rocky. Gott admit i cant remember the names of the lads but here is a pic.
Image hosted by
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Number of posts : 123
Places Served : Catterick, Sennelager, Belfast, Chichester, Berlin, Minden, Londonderry, Lisburn, Sennelager, Catterick, Armagh, Lisburn, Chichester, Catterick. Kabul, Catterick, Bielefeld.
Registration date : 2009-11-23

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime5/5/2010, 20:24

Was the lad on the left a civvy? Is that Ron? I recognise the two other lads but can't put a name to them. That's one job I never fancied doing. It might have been just 'chalk' that was being fired but those Cent's were hollow and the noise inside must have been something else!
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Number of posts : 79
Age : 64
Localisation : Leicester
Cap Badge : REME
Places Served : Tidworth, Sennelarger, Werl, Munsterlager, Catterick, Paderborn, Ripon, Detmold, Marchwood.
Registration date : 2009-02-05

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime6/5/2010, 06:51

Rocky wrote:
Was the lad on the left a civvy? Is that Ron? I recognise the two other lads but can't put a name to them. That's one job I never fancied doing. It might have been just 'chalk' that was being fired but those Cent's were hollow and the noise inside must have been something else!

Hi Rocky.
Yes the bloke on the left is Ron. I met up with him years later and he had been moved to 57 Station Wksps in Paderborn when the new unit took over from the Scots DG.

I went out with the lads in the Tanks on more than one occassion. As you said it may have been 'Chalk' but the noise inside was amazing. Just like someone was outside with a sledge hammer. Plus the impact when it hit, certainly made the tank rock.
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Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-08-25

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime25/8/2010, 20:03

My Mum was packing the car as it happened. I was the same age and the mums knowen each other. We were 3 cars besides and my mum grabed something and and packed it in the trump and away she was. It was only seconds and nobody has seend anything. My mum was so "happy" that it wasn't me but it was hard to see the other mum. Over the years she always keept her self up to date with the girl. It always was present to us.

But another question. Is the Naffi still there in Sennelager? Who can give me the adress?

Please excuse my english, but I'm out of practise. Last time I was "home" is 15 Years ago. I'll do my very best. Wink
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LE Maj
LE Maj

Number of posts : 643
Localisation : North Yorkshire
Cap Badge : RAOC
Registration date : 2009-08-27

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime25/8/2010, 20:07

Earler Post

Rocky wrote:
Mike, if you travel to the end of the Sennelager Strip (Bielefelder Strasse), past Normandy Bks and in the direction of Hoevelhof, turn left at the main traffic lights and head in the direction of Sande (over the level crossing), take the 2nd or third left and the first right, you're there. You can find it on Google Earth and Google Maps.

The old Schloss Neuhaus NAAFI, the MSO Bks and the stables have all been levelled. There's a large ornamental garden and a civic type building where they used to stand.

Sua Tela Tonanti
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Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-08-25

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime25/8/2010, 20:14

Mike_2817 wrote:
Earler Post

Rocky wrote:
Mike, if you travel to the end of the Sennelager Strip (Bielefelder Strasse), past Normandy Bks and in the direction of Hoevelhof, turn left at the main traffic lights and head in the direction of Sande (over the level crossing), take the 2nd or third left and the first right, you're there. You can find it on Google Earth and Google Maps.

The old Schloss Neuhaus NAAFI, the MSO Bks and the stables have all been levelled. There's a large ornamental garden and a civic type building where they used to stand.

Thank you!! Embarassed

Can everybody shop there or only "choosen ones"?
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LE Maj
LE Maj

Number of posts : 643
Localisation : North Yorkshire
Cap Badge : RAOC
Registration date : 2009-08-27

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime25/8/2010, 22:43

HM Forces, Families and UK Based Civilians Only.

But Ex Forces are starting to be given Access Passes.

But being a Pads Brat living in Germany does not count unless you are classed as any of the above.

Sua Tela Tonanti
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Let Gen
Let Gen

Number of posts : 1291
Localisation : Sutton Coldfield
Cap Badge : RAOC
Places Served : Dad, Hamburg, Bad Oeynhausen, Iserlohn, Bury, Osnabruck, Worcester. Me Detmold, Bielefeld, NI, HK
Registration date : 2008-01-03

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime26/8/2010, 08:49

Quote :
Hi Rocky.
Yes the bloke on the left is Ron. I met up with him years later and he had been moved to 57 Station Wksps in Paderborn when the new unit took over from the Scots DG.

I went out with the lads in the Tanks on more than one occassion. As you said it may have been 'Chalk' but the noise inside was amazing. Just like someone was outside with a sledge hammer. Plus the impact when it hit, certainly made the tank rock.

Nobby, are you telling me there were people inside when those were being used as targets?

Jeez, and what's chalk?
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Number of posts : 2808
Age : 83
Localisation : Sandbach Cheshire
Cap Badge : RA/QOH
Places Served : JLRRA (Hereford) Nienburg Paderborn Colchester Munster Maresfield (Cyprus) Hohne Hemer Op Banner x4 Woolwich
Registration date : 2010-03-02

Sennelager NAAFI Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime26/8/2010, 15:41

You remember chalk Jim, it's what the teacher used to throw at yer 'ead in school !
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PostSubject: Re: Sennelager NAAFI   Sennelager NAAFI Icon_minitime

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