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 [b]12 light air defence Regt RA[/b]

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[b]12 light air defence Regt RA[/b] Empty
PostSubject: [b]12 light air defence Regt RA[/b]   [b]12 light air defence Regt RA[/b] Icon_minitime2/9/2007, 22:00

I served in St Barbara Barracks Adelheide, Delmenhorst from 1960 to 1963 when the Regiment moved to Barton Stacey to re equip proir to a far east posting. At that time the Regiment had two gun battery's 9 and T btys, an RHQ bty and an attached REME workshop. We were equipped with 40/70 Bofers anti aircraft guns and used to exercise at hohne ranges and soltau. we did practice firing camps at Todendorf near Plon on the Baltic coast. This period was when the National Service was being run down. Some characters in the Regiment at that time were;- Joe (rat****) Sharrat a NS gunner anyone who served in the mob then will remember him. There were several NS Guys in my barrack room Joe, Brummie Cooper, Jock (midnight lace) Kennedy, Sid Atkinsonto name some of them. There is an unofficial Regimental Web site where there is a lot of
info about this period. [url]
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-03-30

[b]12 light air defence Regt RA[/b] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [b]12 light air defence Regt RA[/b]   [b]12 light air defence Regt RA[/b] Icon_minitime23/4/2009, 11:46

I served in S Battery when the 12th moved to delmenhorst in 1958 at the beginning of the year if I remember correctly. I had only a few months there before my discharge in September of that year
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ronnie french

Number of posts : 56
Age : 88
Cap Badge : royal artillery
Places Served : rhyl. herford
Registration date : 2009-05-01

[b]12 light air defence Regt RA[/b] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [b]12 light air defence Regt RA[/b]   [b]12 light air defence Regt RA[/b] Icon_minitime10/5/2009, 20:18

[peter iwas in rhq in the 12th from 56:57 at celle and might remember me as i was in rhq sports stores and i was a .pti for3months some of my pals were paddy macbride ipete jones he in the regt/police i am in touch with a lot of them,if you send me any names as i have tel/ph numbers of r.s.t.and rhq btys i came on demob in oct/57 when the regt moved there is a reunion every year at york c.fogg is the oneto get in touch for it keep in touch. best wishes ron french][/i]
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