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» MAP of MUNSTER Oxford Barracks area c 1955?
Munster mysters and memory failure Icon_minitimeYesterday at 15:48 by alan8376

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 Munster mysters and memory failure

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2 posters

Number of posts : 2
Cap Badge : Royal Signals
Places Served : Krefeld, Bielefeld, Munster, RAF Wildenrath, Berlin, Nicosia, Ayios Nikolias, Belize, Denmark, Singapore, NI, Blandford, Catterick, Harrogate, Norway, Belgium
Registration date : 2021-02-03

Munster mysters and memory failure Empty
PostSubject: Munster mysters and memory failure   Munster mysters and memory failure Icon_minitime4/8/2024, 21:51

Does any one remember the street Portsmouth Barracks were on in Munster please? The modern map of Muenster rings very few bells in my fading memory. I was part of what was called 619 Sig Tp in some quarters which was a small detachment of four attached to 604 Sig Tp, working at Handorf but shared their barracks space in the late '60's early 70's. Intending to take a trip back to Muenster as I have such fond memories of the city but for the life of me cannot find my way round the town on the map. Thanks if anyone has any info at all.
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LE Maj
LE Maj

Number of posts : 1021
Age : 75
Localisation : near Cuxhaven
Cap Badge : Royal Signals + Royal Engineers
Places Served : Verden-Aller + Willich + Iserlohn + Hameln
Registration date : 2010-02-14

Munster mysters and memory failure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Munster mysters and memory failure   Munster mysters and memory failure Icon_minitime5/8/2024, 08:38

Translated from

The Portsmouth Barracks was built as an artillery barracks on Hohen Heckenweg before the outbreak of the Second World War. After the Second World War, the barracks were taken over by the British Allies and vacated in 1994.
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